2019 Legislation

SB 225 — Boards and Commissions
Expands access to state and local boards and commissions to immigrants, regardless of immigration status, and updates an obsolete code section. 


SB 286 — Baseball Stadium Employees
Clarifies the conclusion of a professional baseball season, an event or series of events at a baseball stadium does not constitute a termination of employment for events employees working at the venue who have an ongoing employment relationship with the employer. 


SB 354 — Dream Loan Graduate Programs 
Expands the eligibility for the Dream Loan Program, to include AB 540 students, who are enrolled in a graduate or professional degree program and are attending a UC or CSU. In 2014, California enacted SB 1210 (Lara), which created the Dream Loan Program that provided undocumented students attending a CSU or UC an additional resource to fund their undergraduate education, if they meet the AB 540 requirements. 


SB 375 — Extending Time Limits for Victim Compensation Claims 
Extends the time limit to apply for compensation from the California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) from three to seven years. Specifically, this bill will authorize a victim, derivative victim, or anyone eligible to file on their behalf to file an application for compensation at any time following the qualifying crime. Crime survivors, who are unaware of compensation, are not ready to apply, or who are dealing with their trauma years after their victimization may be left out with no financial support to access the resources they need. This bill will decrease barriers for crime survivors to access necessary trauma recovery resources, support, and counseling. 


SB 398 — Protecting Persons with Disabilities in Immigration Detention Centers and Other Settings 
Updates California law to reflect recent changes in Federal regulations regarding the state protection and advocacy agency charged with investigating abuse, neglect, or other violations of the rights of persons with disabilities. Additionally, the measure clarifies the right of California’s protection and advocacy agency to conduct investigations at immigration detention centers. 


SB 495 — Bias Free Child Custody Decisions 
Prohibits bias on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression against a parent, legal guardian or relative in child custody determinations. While the case law is strong, there are no explicit prohibitions against sexual orientation and gender identity bias in the Family Code. This creates confusion, especially for self-represented litigants, who make up the majority of family court litigants. The sex, sexual orientation or gender identity of a parent, legal guardian, or relative is not relevant to their ability to render custodial care of a child.