Senator Maria Elena Durazo’s landmark Health4all bill makes California the first state in the nation to expand Medi-Cal to ALL
SACRAMENTO, California - Effective January 1st, 2024, Senator Maria Elena Durazo’s landmark Health4all bill makes California the first state in the nation to expand Medi-Cal to all uninsured Californians, including almost 2 million low-income undocumented immigrants.
When Senator Maria Elena Durazo was elected, she committed to securing Health4All Californians, namely universal coverage. In 2022, the Governor showed full support by signing SB 56, Health4All Seniors, the second of her Health4All landmark bills, which includes SB 29, Health4All Adults. Medi-Cal also covers children under 18.
“I’m proud to announce that as of January 1st, Medi-Cal is available to all income-eligible Californians, regardless of immigration status. Long-standing health and social inequities have put our immigrant communities at an increased risk of poor health outcomes and risks. Healthcare is a human right, and all Californians should have access to healthcare coverage. Thanks to the Legislative leadership and Governor Newsom’s support, our communities have access to qualitative and preventive care medicine,” said Senator Durazo. “When we expand health care to low-income undocumented communities, who are an essential part of our workforce, we invest in the health of our state. Adults and Seniors allowed health access regardless of immigration status brings California closer to ensuring that every Californian has comprehensive, affordable, and accessible care.”
Uninsured communities are at risk of poor health outcomes and emergency hospitalization. About 50% of undocumented immigrant adults in the U.S. report not having insurance, compared to 8% of U.S.-born citizens.
Californians can sign up in three primary ways:
- Go to their county social service office
- Registering through The Covered California website (or benefitscal.com)
- Mail in the Medi-Cal application to the Department of Healthcare Services
The Health4All coalition led by Health Access and the California Immigrant Policy Center spent nearly a decade advocating eliminating uninsured Californians.